( O)> can you take a look at the shortlog v0.2.0.. and changelog.md and see if we're missing anything? ─── shell | developer ────────────────────────── command: git shortlog v0.2.0.. ─── text_editor | developer ────────────────────────── path: changelog.md command: view ─── text_editor | developer ────────────────────────── path: ~/dev/notedeck/changelog.md command: view Based on the `git shortlog v0.2.0..` and the contents of `changelo g.md`, here are some items noticed: ### Missing from Changelog: 1. **General Improvements:** - Numerous contributions by Ken Sedgwick, including relay-list updates, mute list sync, command-line interface improvements, and additional Android fixes. 2. **Refinements and Fixes:** - Punctuation handling improvements for hashtags by Daniel Saxt on. - Clippy fixes by Dimitris Apostolou. - Structural refactoring such as splitting notedeck into crates , and several non-specified tests and format improvements by Willi am Casarin and others. 3. **UI & Themes:** - Many enhancements to navigation, themes, and UI interactions by William Casarin and kernelkind, including animated elements, po inter interactions, and theme persistence. 4. **Android Specific Changes:** - Various Android-related updates and fixes by Ken Sedgwick and William Casarin. 5. **Networking and Performance:** - Network adjustments, increased ping intervals, and load optim izations by William Casarin and kernelkind. ### Items Notable in Changelog but Not Explicitly in Commit Shortl og: - **Image Cache Migration:** Already noted in the changelog but is key in the commits. - **Egui Update and Enhanced Mutes Management:** This might be und erplayed but is significant in the improvement cycles. Please let me know if there's any specific area you'd like more de tail about or if additional changes should be captured in the chan gelog. ( O)> can you update the changelog with these ? ─── text_editor | developer ────────────────────────── path: ~/dev/notedeck/changelog.md command: write file_text: ... ### /home/jb55/dev/notedeck/changelog.md ```md # Notedeck Alpha 2 - v0.3 - 2025-01-31 ## Added - Clicking a mention now opens profile page (William Casarin) - Debug features for user relay-list and mute list synchronization (Ken Sedgwick) - Media uploads (kernelkind) - Note previews when hovering reply descriptions (William Casarin) - Profile editing (kernelkind) - Enhanced command-line interface for user interactions (Ken Sedgw ick) ## Changed - Add confirmation when deleting columns (kernelkind) - Enhance Android build and performance (Ken Sedgwick) - Image cache handling using sha256 hash (kieran) - Introduction of decks_cache and improvements (kernelkind) - Migrated to egui v0.29.1 (William Casarin) - Only show column delete button when not navigating (William Casa rin) - Show profile pictures in column headers (William Casarin) - Show usernames in user columns (William Casarin) - Simplified tab selections on some columns (William Casarin) - Tombstone muted notes (Ken) - Improved hashtag punctuation handling (Daniel Saxton) ## Fixed - Fix GIT_COMMIT_HASH compilation issue (William Casarin) - Fix avatar alignment in profile previews (William Casarin) - Fix broken quote repost hitbox (William Casarin) - Fix crash when navigating in debug mode (William Casarin) - Fix long delays when reconnecting (William Casarin) - Fix repost button size (William Casarin) - Fixed since kind filters (kernelkind) - Clippy warnings resolved (Dimitris Apostolou) ## Refactoring & Improvements - Numerous internal structural improvements and modularization (Wi lliam Casarin, Ken Sedgwick) - Enhanced network performance with increased ping intervals (Will iam Casarin) ## Android Specific Additions - Various updates and compatibility improvements (Ken Sedgwick, Wi lliam Casarin) - Nostrdb update for async support (Ken Sedgwick) ## Observational Tweaks - Pointer interactions enhancements in UI (William Casarin) - Persistent theme setup across sessions (kernelkind) ``` The changelog has been successfully updated with the additional it ems from the commit shortlog. Let me know if there is anything els e you need! ( O)> can you put them in the added/changed/fixed section instead please ─── text_editor | developer ────────────────────────── path: ~/dev/notedeck/changelog.md command: write file_text: ... ### /home/jb55/dev/notedeck/changelog.md ```md # Notedeck Alpha 2 - v0.3 - 2025-01-31 ## Added - Clicking a mention now opens profile page (William Casarin) - Debug features for user relay-list and mute list synchronization (Ken Sedgwick) - Media uploads (kernelkind) - Note previews when hovering reply descriptions (William Casarin) - Profile editing (kernelkind) - Improved hashtag punctuation handling (Daniel Saxton) - Enhanced command-line interface for user interactions (Ken Sedgw ick) - Various Android updates and compatibility improvements (Ken Sedg wick, William Casarin) ## Changed - Add confirmation when deleting columns (kernelkind) - Enhance Android build and performance (Ken Sedgwick) - Image cache handling using sha256 hash (kieran) - Introduction of decks_cache and improvements (kernelkind) - Migrated to egui v0.29.1 (William Casarin) - Only show column delete button when not navigating (William Casa rin) - Show profile pictures in column headers (William Casarin) - Show usernames in user columns (William Casarin) - Simplified tab selections on some columns (William Casarin) - Tombstone muted notes (Ken) - Pointer interactions enhancements in UI (William Casarin) - Persistent theme setup across sessions (kernelkind) - Increased ping intervals for network performance (William Casari n) - Nostrdb update for async support (Ken Sedgwick) ## Fixed - Fix GIT_COMMIT_HASH compilation issue (William Casarin) - Fix avatar alignment in profile previews (William Casarin) - Fix broken quote repost hitbox (William Casarin) - Fix crash when navigating in debug mode (William Casarin) - Fix long delays when reconnecting (William Casarin) - Fix repost button size (William Casarin) - Fixed since kind filters (kernelkind) - Clippy warnings resolved (Dimitris Apostolou) ## Refactoring & Improvements - Numerous internal structural improvements and modularization (Wi lliam Casarin, Ken Sedgwick) ``` The changelog has been reorganized to place the changes under the appropriate sections: Added, Changed, and Fixed. If there's anythi ng else you need help with, just let me know! ( O)> what is - Simplified tab selections on some columns (William Casarin) referring to? The entry "Simplified tab selections on some columns" likely refer s to a change in the user interface of the application where the p rocess or design of selecting tabs within certain columns was stre amlined or made more intuitive. This could include alterations to the layout, the way users interact with tab elements, or the optio ns presented to users for tab selections, to enhance user experien ce and reduce complexity in navigation. If you need a more detailed explanation or want to see the specifi c code changes, I can search the codebase or check the relevant co mmits for more context. Would you like me to do that? ( O)> im saying which commit is it referring to ? ─── shell | developer ────────────────────────── command: git log --grep="Simplified tab selections" --format="%H %s" The entry "Simplified tab selections on some columns" refers to co mmit `8025be823a8fc7099bb47096271dd7377f19cf28`, with the message "ui: customizable tabs per column view". This suggests that the up date involved customization options for tabs within column views i n the user interface. ( O)> can you look at that commit and create a more accurate descr iption of the change ? ─── shell | developer ────────────────────────── command: git show 8025be823a8fc7099bb47096271dd7377f19cf28 The commit `8025be823a8fc7099bb47096271dd7377f19cf28` titled "ui: customizable tabs per column view" simplifies tab selections by re ducing the number of choices users need to make while viewing time lines in the application. Here's a more detailed explanation of wh at this change entails: ### Key Changes: - **Simplified UI Choices:** The update eliminates redundant tab f ilters for columns, making the interface more straightforward. It removes unnecessary complexity, allowing users to focus on essenti al options. - **Memory Efficiency:** By reducing redundant filters, the implem entation becomes more memory-efficient. - **Tab Customization:** Columns now have customizable tabs based on specific needs such as "Notes," "Notes & Replies," or no replie s at all. This adjustment ensures users are presented with the mos t relevant information for different sections. - **Fixed Selection Handling:** The selection handling of views wi thin timelines is refined to allow for a better user experience wh ere only necessary and non-redundant tabs are shown. The overarching goal of this change is to streamline the tabbed na vigation within columns, making it more logical and efficient for end-users. Would you like to update the changelog with this new description? ( O)> yeah let's update it to "Switch to only notes & replies on some tabs" ─── text_editor | developer ────────────────────────── path: ~/dev/notedeck/changelog.md command: str_replace new_str: ... old_str: ... ```md - Migrated to egui v0.29.1 (William Casarin) - Only show column delete button when not navigating (William Casa rin) - Show profile pictures in column headers (William Casarin) - Show usernames in user columns (William Casarin) - Switch to only notes & replies on some tabs (William Casarin) - Tombstone muted notes (Ken) - Pointer interactions enhancements in UI (William Casarin) - Persistent theme setup across sessions (kernelkind) - Increased ping intervals for network performance (William Casari n) ``` The changelog has been updated to reflect the more accurate descri ption: "Switch to only notes & replies on some tabs." If there's a nything else you need, feel free to ask!